Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sued By A Debt Collector in Tennessee?

Have you been sued in General Sessions Court in Tennessee by a debt collector or debt purchaser?  They go by many names such as CACH, LLC, , , , Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC, and the list goes on and on.  Think that there is nothing you can do?  You’re mistaken to believe that.

First, debt collectors and debt purchaser must comply with the in order to have standing to sue you.  Secondly, the must comport to the new provisions within .  They do not.

routinely gets lawsuits filed in General Sessions Court, Circuit Court, and Chancery Court dismissed with prejudice.  If you’ve been sued by , or any debt collection law firm either through a Civil Warrant in Debt, Summons, or even a simple letter, contact the at today.

Sued By A Debt Collector in General Sessions?

Have you been sued in General Sessions Court in Tennessee by a debt collector or debt purchaser?  They go by many names such as CACH, LLC, , , , Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC, and the list goes on and on.  Think that there is nothing you can do?  You’re mistaken to believe that.

First, debt collectors and debt purchaser must comply with the in order to have standing to sue you.  Secondly, the must comport to the new provisions within .  They do not.

routinely gets lawsuits filed in General Sessions Court, Circuit Court, and Chancery Court dismissed with prejudice.  If you’ve been sued by , or any debt collection law firm either through a Civil Warrant in Debt, Summons, or even a simple letter, contact the at today.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Credit Reports Contains Errors? Do Something About it - Call The Tennessee Fair Credit Reporting Act Lawyers!

According to a study conducted by the United States Public Interest Research Group, contain either serious errors or mistakes. These errors have serious consequences on people, as are used for everything from granting credit and setting interest rates to obtaining insurance and employment.

The (15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq.) is the federal legislation that regulates the credit reporting industry, including the national credit bureaus The Fair Credit Reporting Act, or “FCRA,” was enacted to protect from the damage that errors in their credit reports cause. While the FCRA established a very flawed mechanism used to “dispute” inaccuracies appearing on consumers' credit reports, this mechanism doesn’t often work. Once an inaccuracy (i.e. an account that is not the person's, but is showing up on his or her credit report, or an account that is reported as derogatory but was never past due, etc.) is disputed to the credit bureau that is reporting the inaccuracy, the credit bureau has 30 days to perform a of the disputed item. They usually don’t and thus, the item remains. The FCRA also requires that the credit bureau relay the consumer's dispute to the company that furnished the disputed information (called the “furnisher of information”) who then must also reasonably investigate the dispute. Again, this seldom occurs. Once the "investigation" is complete, the credit bureau must send an updated copy of the credit report to the consumer, showing the results of the investigation which usually convey that the item and/or items remain.

The . When that happens, the consumer has a claim under 15 U.S.C. § 1681i. If the furnisher fails to perform a reasonable investigation, which also happens quite often, the consumer has a claim under 15 U.S.C. § 1681s-2(b). We at the firm of sue both the credit reporting agencies and furnishers of information for these claims.  Our consultations are free and most cases are accepted on contingency plans.

The FCRA also requires credit bureaus to follow reasonable procedures to assure maximum possible accuracy of the credit reports they generate under 15 U.S.C. § 1681e(b). Despite this requirement, the credit bureaus often publish credit reports that contain obvious errors, such as when the credit bureaus combine the credit information of one consumer with that of another consumer who has a similar name and/or social security number.

If the credit bureau and/or furnisher negligently violate the FCRA, the consumer can recover his or her actual damages, plus attorneys' fees and expenses under 15 U.S.C. § 1681o. If the violation is willful, i.e. if it was done either intentionally or with reckless disregard, consumers can also recover punitive damages under 15 U.S.C. § 1681n.

The typical lawsuits fall under three categories:

One is the identity theft victim, who has his or her identity stolen when the imposter opens credit cards, etc. using a fraudulent name and social security number. Of course, the identity thief doesn't pay the bill, resulting in the credit card being charged off and reported onto the identity theft victim's credit report as a bad credit item. The victim learns of the fraud account(s) when he or she is denied credit and requests a credit report to learn why. The victim then disputes the fraud account(s) but because the credit bureaus and furnishers almost never go beyond simply comparing the name and social security number of the victim to the name and social security number on the account (which in identity theft cases almost always match, hence the identity theft), the fraud accounts do not get removed, thus ruining the person's credit.

Another common case is the mixed file case where the credit bureau mixes the credit files of two people with similar names and/or social security numbers. If one of these people has bad credit, it lands on the other person's credit report, ruining his or her credit. The same dispute process is used and sometimes works, but often just for a short while because, when the report is regenerated in the future, the same loose matching logic is used and the two credit files become mixed again.

The last common case is when something is just misreported by the furnisher - i.e. a credit card company reports an account as late that, in fact, was never late. If the credit bureau and/or credit card company fails to correct the error after it is disputed to the credit reporting agency, the consumer has a claim under 15 U.S.C. § 1681i.

is one of the few law firms in Tennessee that routinely represents consumers in and one of the few such firms in the nation.

In addition to Tennessee, Barnette Law Offices has represented consumers in FCRA cases all over the nation, including cases in Texas, D.C. and Michigan.

The recent amendments to the FCRA require the credit bureaus to each give you one free credit report per year. A website called was set up to facilitate requesting your free credit reports. However, DO NOT USE THIS WEBSITE as the credit bureaus insert arbitration clauses into your online requests for your credit report, which could potentially waive your right to a damages trial. To request your free credit report from each of the three national credit bureaus, use the written form (which does not contain an arbitration clause) which you can download from and then mail to the address on the form.

If you need to dispute errors on your credit report, write letters (sent certified mail, return receipt requested, if possible) disputing the errors to the following addresses:

Experian Information Solutions
701 Experian Pkwy
Allen, TX 75013

Equifax Information Services
P.O. Box 740241
Atlanta, GA 30374

Trans Union
P.O. Box 2000
Chester, PA 19022

In your dispute letter to the credit bureau, be sure to include your full name, Social Security number, date of birth, address and phone number in your dispute letter and itemize each error/account that you are disputing.

To schedule a case consultation with our attorneys, contact today at 615-585-2245 or

Midland Credit Management Calling? Call Us!

If is calling you on your cell phone or sending you letters for collection, call us at at 615-585-2245.  First, it is usually unlawful for them to call you under the with each violation being worth $500.00 to $1,500.00.  Secondly, it is just annoying.  Third, if they are sending you letters or calling, that is a violation of the because they – Midland Funding – do not have a necessary to collect from Tennessee consumers.

If you’ve been contacted by Midland Funding, LLC, CACH, LLC, Asset Acceptance, Cavalry Portfolio or any other debt collector, call us today before they sue you in your local General Sessions Court.

Our consultations are free and most cases are accepted on contingencies.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Have you been sued by CACH, LLC, Midland Funding, LLC, Cavalry Portfolio Services (Cavalry SPV I), or another debt purchaser in Tennessee? Think there is nothing you can do as a Tennessee consumer to defend yourself? Well, there is something you can do to defend yourself and counter-claim Tennessee debt purchasers.

Under the Tennessee Collection Services Act, debt purchasers such as LVNV Funding, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Calvary Portfolio Services, Asset Acceptance and all others must have a collection license and meet other certain requirements in order to lawfully be able to sue you. Most, if not all, debt purchasers are in violation of the Tennessee Collection Services Act because they do not meet even half of the requirements. Indeed, CACH, LLC, Midland Funding, and many other debt purchasers in Tennessee do not even have licenses.

What does this mean, 1) Tennessee consumer lawyer Jason Barnette can get the case filed against you dismissed; and, 2) in some cases, Tennessee FDCPA and FCRA lawyer Jason Barnette can recoup damages for you against the debt purchaser that has unlawfully sued you.

If you’ve been sued in Tennessee by any of the above, particularly , call us at 615-585-2245 or visit us at Tennessee FDCPA and FCRA Lawyers.


Technorati Tags: Tennessee FDCPA Lawyer,Tennessee FCRA Lawyer,Tennessee Consumer Lawyer,CACH LLC,MIDLAND FUNDING, ,

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Tennessee Foreclosure Defense

Are you facing a ?  Have you been foreclosed upon in Tennessee and are now facing a unlawful detainer suit from the bank?  If so, the at Barnette Law Offices may be able to help you keep your home. 

How do we accomplish this: we use the carrot and the stick.  The carrot is clients that can afford the mortgage and just need a second chance.  Do not call us if you’re foolish enough to believe “free houses” actually exist.  The stick is suing mortgage companies (and Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac) when they have violated the law.  They face money damages if we win.  They may face having to pay our hourly rate of $425.00 for every hour we work on the case.

So we use the positive (“get paid by the clients”) and the negative (“let’s try the case in front of a jury”) and if everybody will act reasonably, then the case can be settled with the foreclosure undone.

Bottom line — it may not be too late before of after a foreclosure for you to be able to avoid the foreclosure or to get rid of the foreclosure. You have to act in the right time, and you have to have the right type of case, but if you do then you certainly have the opportunity to void out the foreclosure so it will be viewed as never having happened.

If you have questions about your options in Tennessee, give us a call at 615-585-2245 or contact us at .

Debt Collector Harassment in Tennessee

Autodialed calls and robo calls from debt collectors in Tennessee

Are debt collectors harassing you in Tennessee?  Are they calling your cell phone?  Know this: impermissible robocalls are important because they can violate the The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). The TCPA provides wide protection against robocalls, calls using automatic dialers, and automated messages. For the most part, the TCPA comes into play when debt collectors make collection calls to consumer cell phones. If a debt collector makes impermissible robocalls to a consumer’s cell phone, the debt collector is liable for $500 per call. If it can be proven that the calls are willful, the damages are $1,500 per call.  If a debt collector such as Midland Funding, LLC, CACH, LLC, Asset Acceptance, LLC, Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC, LVNV Funding, etc., is harassing you, contact lawyer Jason Barnette at Barnette Law Offices 

The trickiest part to proving a TCPA violation is the issue of consent—whether there was consent to call a consumer’s cellphone. In 2008, the FCC determined that there must be prior written consent in order to call a consumer’s cellphone. In that declaratory order, the FCC also explained that the creditor bears the burden of establishing consent, as they are in the best position to prove that.

In a more recent decision, however, a Federal Court of Appeals refined that definition, holding that consent is only given if the consumer provided their cellphone number at the time of the credit application. In addition, the application must relate to the debt that is being collected on. In other words, if you did not list your cellphone on your original credit card application, you may not have consented.

In many cases, it’s easy to prove there was no consent, because the consumer did not even have a cellphone, or their current cellphone number, when they opened the account.

Are you receiving illegal robocalls?

If you receive more four a calls a day on your cellphone from a debt collector, a debt collector may be calling you with an autodialer or computer program. If you answer a call and nobody is there, that’s another sign of an autodialer. Or if you receive voicemails from a debt collector with a prerecorded message or part of the message includes a computerized voice, you might be receiving robocalls.

As noted above, however, there is still an issue of whether you provided express consent to receive the calls.

If you think you are receiving robocalls, it’s a good idea to contact Jason Barnette and . We can help you figure out if you are receiving robocalls, what your rights are, and what the next steps are.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013




Debt collectors use the General Sessions Courts of Tennessee as a hunting ground to illegally obtain money from Tennessee consumers. This is because there are very few law firms such as Barnette Law Offices, LLC in Tennessee which will fight for consumers in Tennessee Courts.

prelim Davidson County Criminal Court

Jason Barnette and his Tennessee Consumer Protection team at Barnette Law Offices, LLC know the Fair Credit Reporting Act, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, and most importantly, the Tennessee Consumer Protection Act inside and out. Tennessee Consumer Protection Attorney Jason Barnette will utilize the aforesaid Acts to fight for you against debt collectors and purchasers.

Debt Collect debt law

Contrary to popular belief, debt collectors and debt purchasers must prove what they allege in their Warrants in Debt. At Barnette Law Offices, LLC we attack the Affidavits debt collectors and debt purchasers try to put on as proof. They are hearsay. Moreover, we assert counter-claims on our clients behalf for violations of the FCRA, FDCPA, and TCPA. This is because debt collectors and debt purchasers always report inaccuracies on consumer credit reports, fail to properly validate debts and take misleading and deceptive acts in an effort to collect monies not justly owed to them.

Please contact the Tennessee Consumer Protection team at Barnette Law Offices, LLC at 615-585-2245 or if you’ve been sued by debt collectors such as Arrow Financial, Midland Funding, Asset Acceptance, Calvary Portfolio, Gault Financial, etc. We can help you defeat the suit and often times, put cash in your pocket at the same time.

Technorati Tags: Tennessee Consumer Attorney, Tennessee Consumer Lawyer, Tennessee Consumer Protection LawyerJason Barnette, Barnette Law Offices LLC

Labels:Tennessee Consumer Lawyer, Tennessee Consumer Protection Lawyer

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Tennessee FDCPA Lawyers

Has a debt collector or debt purchaser contacted or sued you?  Are you a consumer in Tennessee and need to stop unlawful debt collection action taken against you?  If so, contact Tennessee Consumer Protection lawyer Jason Barnette at Barnette Law Offices to stand up for your rights.

Did you know that in Tennessee, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act imposes a standard of conduct that debt collectors and debt purchasers such as CACH, LLC, Asset Acceptance, LLC, Midland Funding, LLC, Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC, LVNV Funding, and many more are supposed to abide by, but often do not.  Generally, neither debt collectors  or debt purchasers  can engage in harassing, abusive or unfair practices, nor make false or misleading statements; which includes inaccurate reporting on your credit reports.  The FDCPA provides that Tennessee consumers can recover actual damages incurred by a violation of the Act, plus an additional amount up to $1,000, plus attorney fees.

Contact the Tennessee FDCPA lawyers at 615-585-2245 or


Friday, January 11, 2013

Tennessee FCRA Lawyer


Are you a Tennessee resident that has been denied for credit?  Do you know what is on your credit reports?  If so, are there inaccuracies?  Are these inaccuracies preventing you from getting the credit you need

If you live in Tennessee and inaccuracies on your credit reports contact usBarnette Law Offices in Nashville has helped many Tennessee consumers correct their credit reports and obtain compensation for damages they’ve incurred from the errors that had to first be corrected.  The end result could be that you have the errors corrected that you need corrected or deleted, you obtain the financing you would have absent the errors, and that you are compensated for any damages suffered.

Any Tennessee consumer has the right under the Fair Credit Reporting Act to dispute any information which is inaccurate and/or incomplete.  If such information is verified as being accurate and/or complete, the furnisher of information; i.e., a debt collector, debt purchaser, creditor directly, etc., can be held liable under the Fair Credit Reporting Act in Tennessee

If you are a Tennessee consumer with credit reporting problems first dispute the problems through the major three credit reporting agencies which are Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union.  If the item is verified and is still inaccurate, contact Tennessee FCRA Lawyer Jason Barnette at 615-585-2245 or

Friday, January 4, 2013

Sued by CACH, LLC, Midland Funding, LLC, Asset Acceptance, or a Debt Purchaser in Tennessee?

Have you been sued by CACH, LLC, Midland Funding, Asset Acceptance, or another debt purchaser in Tennessee? Think there is nothing you can do as a Tennessee consumer to defend yourself?  Well, there is something you can do to defend yourself and counter-claim Tennessee debt purchasers.

Under the Tennessee Collection Services Act, debt purchasers such as LVNV Funding, Portfolio Recovery Associates, Calvary Portfolio must have a collection license and meet other certain requirements in order to lawfully be able to sue you.  Most, if not all, debt purchasers are in violation of the Tennessee Collection Services Act because they do not meet even half of the requirements.  Indeed, CACH, LLC, Midland Funding, and many other debt purchasers in Tennessee do not even have licenses.

What does this mean, 1) Tennessee consumer lawyer Jason Barnette can get the case filed against you dismissed; and, 2) in some cases, Tennessee FDCPA and FCRA lawyer Jason Barnette can recoup damages for you against the debt purchaser that has unlawfully sued you.

If you’ve been sued in Tennessee, call us at 615-585-2245 or visit us at Tennessee FDCPA and FCRA Lawyers.

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